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Celebrity Travel: Go away with Pictoria Vark

Jae-Ha Kim, Tribune Content Agency on

After living in Iowa, New Jersey, Wyoming and New York, musician Victoria Park moved to Illinois – Chicago to be exact. The bass-playing singer-songwriter said it wasn’t always easy living in cities where she and her family were visible minorities. “I think part of why moving to Wyoming was so scary was that we were going to be some of the only Asian people around,” said the singer, who goes professionally by the moniker Pictoria Vark. “And there’s very little Asian food. The closest Korean supermarket is an hour away and part of a gas station. But even growing up in Bergen County (New Jersey) among a lot of other Koreans, I also didn’t quite fit in either. My family wasn’t religious, I didn’t speak Korean and I was really into the rock music thing, so shared identity didn’t necessarily help in terms of fitting in. It helped in not being noticeably different.” Park has announced new tour dates ( and also keeps fans updated on her music on social media, where her handle is@pictoriavark.

Q: How is Pictoria Vark different from Victoria Park?

A: I think Pictoria Vark as a persona is more self-assured in taking up space, even if she’s not sure what to say. As Victoria Park, I tend to be a people-pleaser and comedic relief, so it’s nice to try and work my way to shedding those roles I compulsively have found myself in.

Q: How much of your songwriting on "The Parts I Dread" was informed by where you've lived?

A: So much of this last album is about places I’ve lived or places I had been going and trying to find a sense of home and if that is even a physical place. This next batch of songs I have is more informed by my touring experiences and their transient nature.

Q: What are your hopes for your 2024 tour?


A: To have a lot of fun, have as little stress as possible and hopefully have some nice turnout at these shows. I’m aiming for more quality over quantity in 2024 after two years of really heavy touring.

Q: Speaking of touring, how do you maintain your health on the road?

A: When I’m on tour, I always try to eat fruits and veggies when I can. Even if it’s just a V8 or Naked Green Machine from the gas station. Something is better than nothing. Also basic hygiene – washing hands before eating, showering regularly … Venues are so full of germs and touring wears down your immune system so much, so it’s important to be proactive about health stuff. I’ve only gotten sick on tour two times in the six years I’ve been touring and I’m hoping it stays that way.

Q: What untapped destination should people know about?


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